Thursday, December 31, 2009

Even some meat processors use “double dead” meat?

LIFE-CHANGING BOOK FOR NEW YEAR 2010: “20 Bible-Proofs WHY YOU ARE SAVED FOREVER, The True Believer’s Assurance of Salvation”, written in 1993 by Rodolfo C. Torres, is a life-changing book I will recommend to be read as we start 2010.

I do not know how this book found its way in my garage when I was starting to write this column at 7 a.m., December 31, 2009, as I don’t remember having bought it or it having been given to me, but, having read its introduction and its first chapter entitled “God Is Holding Us, Not We Holding God”, I found it to be a good way to start the new year.

The other 23 chapters of the book are given by Torres these titles: “God Forgives and Remembers Not Our Sins”; “God Saved Us Forever”; “The Lord Is Our Shepherd”; “We Are Sealed By The Holy Spirit”; “We Are Saved Because God Loves Us”; “God’s Love For Us Will Not Change”.

“Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of God”; “God Will Not Forget or Forsake Us”; “God Will Finish the Work He Has Begun in Us”; “Jesus Christ is the Author and Finisher of Our Faith”; “We Are Kept by the Power of God”; “God Will Protect and Preserve Us”; “”God Bought Us and Owns Us”.

“”God Is Not Willing to Lose Us”; “God Will Sanctify Us and Make Us Perfect”; “All Things Work for Our Good”; “God Has Predestined Us”; “Our Names Are Written in Heaven”; “Now We Are Under Grace Not Under the Law”; “Two Things Will Happen to a True Believer”; “You Will Not Completely Fall Away”; “How to Really Know If You Are Saved”; “How to Work Out, Not Work For, Your Salvation”.


EVEN FOOD PROCESSORS USE DOUBLE DEAD MEAT: The story of “double dead meat” being sold for New Year 2010 is not new (“double dead meat” means meat from pigs and other animals which should have been thrown away because they are no longer fit for consumption since the animals died from sickness before they could be butchered).

If I am to believe the information being passed on to me by people seeking free legal help from BATAS (or the Buklod ng mga Abogadong Tagapagtaguyod ng Adhikaing Sambayanan, a free legal aid group I organized in 1994), even some food processing businessmen use “double dead meat”.

That is the reason why, I am told, some processed meat products sold at very low prices have been found to contain live worms and other defects which, in many instances, made people sick, but which authorities turn a blind eye to, for one reason or another.

We must therefore be very wary, not only of meat being sold as fresh in the markets, but even of meat converted as processed meat (such as ham, bacon, sausage, corned beef, liver spread).


RP FERRY AND BOAT TRAGEDIES TO CONTINUE, UNLESS...: The ferry and boat tragedies the nation has been witnessing during the 2009 Christmas and New Year Holidays should be telling us something about sea transportation in the Philippines, and the impending bigger loss of lives, limbs and property if we do not do something about it.

Anyone who has used ferries, boats or any other sea craft anywhere in the country will tell us that tragedies are bound to happen principally because of the system of using those vessels: once the ships or boats are started to be used in the morning, they continue to be used all throughout the day, without stopping for any inspection in between.

I have seen this in the Batangas City-Calapan City ports, in the Cebu City-Tagbilaran City ports, in the different ports in Mindanao, and even in the Dumaguete City-Cebu City ports.

If the boats are used back and forth in ferrying goods and passengers without being inspected and “refurbished”, as it were, in between, something’s got to give somehow, and woe unto the passengers whose only fault would be their desire to go home for the holidays to be with their families.


CROWNING OF JESUS WITH THORNS: The Third Sorrowful Mystery of the Holy Rosary of Roman Catholic Christians talks about the crowning of Jesus with thorns, and the account of this event is found in Matthew 27:29, Mark 15:17, John 19:2 of the Bible. There is no account of it in the Gospel of Luke

According to these passages, Pilate had tried to release Jesus who, by then, was presented to Him after He was arrested, but the crowd instead asked for the release of another man, Barabbas, the convicted murderer, and insisted that Jesus be crucified.

Jesus was subsequently flogged, on orders of Pilate, and later was brought to the Praetorium in the company of many soldiers. The soldiers stripped Jesus of His clothes and put a scarlet robe on Him.

Then they twisted together a crown of thorns and placed it on His head. Putting a staff in His hand, the soldiers then knelt in front of Him and mocked Him, saying “Hail, king of the Jews.”

After they mocked Him, they took off His robe and put on His own clothes on Him. The soldiers then led away to crucify Him, thus fulfilling His prophecies about His suffering in the hands of the Jews before His crucifixion.


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