Sunday, January 31, 2010

Poll cheating is still very possible, computer expert warns!

COMPUTER EXPERT WARNS: POLL CHEATING STILL POSSIBLE: Yes, Engr. Jun Lozada, cheating and manipulation of the results of the May 2010 computerized elections can still possibly happen, but, no, it is not going to be in the source code of the computers, nor in the software or any other aspect of programming for the automated machines.

According to a computer expert who came to personally see me the other week, if ever anyone wanted to cheat and ensure victory in the May 2010 elections for any position (not just the presidency or the vice presidency), they will not tamper with the source code, nor with the software or any other aspect of computer programming, for those can be easily detected, verified, and thereafter corrected.

There is one other way to cheat, and it is apparently fool-proof: almost impossible to detect, can be smoothly carried out, and can result in a “dagdag-bawas” situation using computers and the other automated machines, the computer expert told me.

How can this cheating, resulting in a computerized “dagdag-bawas” situation, happen? Read how (or at least the explanation on the matter of the expert), in this same column, in our succeeding issues. Don’t dare miss this exciting piece of information.


ARROYO’S HOLD OVER PRESIDENCY, LEGALLY ALLOWED: I don’t know whether I should be happy or what, but my opinion in earlier columns that President Arroyo can continue being president even after May 2010 has just been confirmed and affirmed, as it were, by no less than former Supreme Court Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban Jr.

In his column at the Inquirer on Sunday, January 31, 2010, Panganiban wrote, in so many words, that indeed Arroyo can be a “hold-over” president, in the event of a failure of elections (which may happen for one reason or another), which was exactly what I had been writing about and contrary to what the other so-called Constitutionalists have been bandying about in various media fora.

With Panganiban’s learned disquisition on the legality of an Arroyo hold-over presidency, I am emboldened, once more, to predict: Arroyo will remain president of the Philippines after May 2010, and this is going to happen because it has a very sound Biblical basis, as far as my reading of the Bible goes.

Of course, many have already reacted to my earlier columns on this matter, saying that my Bible maybe a different Holy Book from the Bible of Christians worldwide and that my Bible maybe based on graft and corruption, abuse and plunder.

I don’t really mind, but let me reiterate: if you will read the Christian Bible more closely, Arroyo’s continuing with her presidency is clearly written there.


QUESTIONS FOR BOSS DANDING: Former Ambassador Eduardo “Danding” Cojuangco, chairman of the San Miguel Corporation (SMC) and “The Boss” of the Nationalist People’s Coalition (NPC), must know something many Filipinos don’t, perhaps in the same fashion as Vice President Noli De Castro’s knowing something many of us don’t know either.

I mean, if Boss Danding really wants to continue the leadership and dominance of SMC in Philippine business and, by extension, the “relevance” of NPC in Philippine politics, there is no way for him to avoid supporting a presidential candidate in the May 2010 elections, as one of his sons is saying.

The undeniable truth is that, in the Philippines as elsewhere, one can only become a “big businessman” if he has become a “big politician”, and one can only be a “big politician” if he is also a “big businessman”. Being big in business means being big in politics and being big in politics means being big in business.

In the Philippines as elsewhere, the only way to protect one’s business, especially one as highly profitable as SMC, is to continue being in politics, in the way that NPC is doing it.

So, if, suddenly, we hear that Boss Danding isn’t supporting any presidential candidate at this point, which means, in any language, he is giving up being big in politics, does this mean that the Boss is also ready to give up being big in business? This is exciting, to say the least.


CORONATION OF MARY: The “Coronation of the Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth” is the fifth “Glorious Mystery” in the Holy Rosary of Roman Catholic Christians, and, despite attempts by non-believers to discredit this aspect of Mary’s life, Catholics continue to hold on to it as part of their Christian faith.

Catholic leaders justify their belief about the coronation of Mary as the “Queen of Heaven and Earth” in the following manner: “(Mary) is the Mother of the Son of God, who is the messianic King. Mary is the Mother of Christ, the Word incarnate...Elizabeth greeted the Blessed Virgin, pregnant with Jesus, as `the Mother of my Lord.’ [Luke 1:41-43]

“She is the perfect follower of Christ. The maid of Nazareth consented to God's plan; she journeyed on the pilgrimage of faith; she listened to God's word and kept it in her heart; she remained steadfastly in close union with her Son, all the way to the foot of the cross; she persevered in prayer with the Church.

“Thus in an eminent way she won the `crown of righteousness,’ [See 2 Timothy 4:8] the `crown of life,’ [See James 1:12; Revelation 2:10] the `crown of glory’ [See 1 Peter 5:4] that is promised to those who follow Christ…."


BATAS INTERNET TV, BATAS INTERNET RADIO: Please watch BATAS INTERNET TV and please listen to BATAS INTERNET RADIO through the website (click Batas ITV for tv, and for radio). We are on the air 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Movie experts join BATAS INTERNET TV

PETE AMPOLOQUIO, PETER LEDESMA JOIN BATAS TV: Famous movie columnists and talk show hosts Pete Ampoloquio and Peter Ledesma have agreed to do a daily show, also dealing with movies, films, radio, television, artists, and other related matters, at BATAS INTERNET TV and BATAS INTERNET RADIO, both of which can be accessed at the Internet website

The two will be featured four times a day: at 8:00 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.; 1:45 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.; 8:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.; and 12:00 midnight to 12:15 a.m. starting February 01, 2010.

They will be bringing to the show both their wealth of experience and their conceded and greatly-admired and, now, much envied, expertise on movies and radio-TV, as well as their imitated-but-never equalled style of hosting and handling shows and writing newspaper and magazine columns which will surely fire up much greater audience viewership and listenership for any media network.

Their assignment as hosts for the daily programs at BATAS INTERNET TV and BATAS INTERNET RADIO at the Internet website would be in addition to their joint daily program over station DWIZ of the Aliw Broadcasting Station, and to the thrice a week program of Pete at TV 5.

I am sure the station where they started their team-up about four years ago will be green with envy about this latest show of the two, for that station knows deep in its heart that Pete Ampoloquio and Peter Ledesma were the gems that attracted people to watch it, and now that they are no longer there, no one is really interested to watch that station anymore.


“JUDICIARY, WEAKEST OF 3 BRANCHES OF GOV’T”: USA-based Filipino lawyer Marlowe Camello, a staunch advocate of adopting the jury system in the Philippines, sent the following article which he entitled: “Why the Judiciary is the Weakest Among the 3 Great Government Branches”. His unedited article reads:

“We have been told by our law professors in colleges and universities that the Judiciary is a co-equal branch of the legislature and the presidency but it is actually the weakest among the said 3 branches of the government. It is more of a subservient instrumentality to powerful public officials and politicians.

“If you ask why, the ready answer by every law professor is because all the judges and justices are mere recommendees and appointees (or `tutas’) of the highest officials of the legislature and the presidency. In a way, this is correct but it is not the ultimate reason.

“The fundamental reason why the judiciary is not, in fact, co-equal in power and prestige with its counter-parts in the other two branches is LACK OF THE DIRECT VOTING POWER AND SUPPORT OF THE PEOPLE in the official function of judges and justices (as well as by fiscals) unlike the support of the people with their votes in electing their lawmakers in the legislature and the president.


“JUDICIARY, LAME DUCK INSTRUMENTALITY OF GOV’T”: “The judiciary is an ORPHAN branch of government with no voting foundation of its acts from and by the people. It is a lame duck instrumentality of the government. The same situation exists with respect to the Ombudsman, deputy ombudsmen, fiscals and government prosecutors.

“Their acts to investigate and prosecute are not anchored on the sovereign vote of the common people through the grand juries. Like those of judges and justices, the Ombudsman and other government prosecutors are like errand boys and girls by politicians.

“Adoption of the Jury System is the empowerment of the judiciary that will make it as a true and co-equal branch in the government. Once the Jury System is adopted, illegal intrusions in the functions of justice of judges and justices by lawmakers and the president will naturally stop.

“While judges and justices shall have the rightful and exclusive authority to directly instruct and supervise the jurors, the lawmakers and the presidency will have no business interfering in giving instruction to the jury. The buck stops with the people and not with the judges and justices or of the prosecutors.

“By the adoption of the jury system, judges, justices and prosecutors will no longer serve as proteges of politicians and of the president or of the warlords in the lower instrumentality of the government such as the warlords of local government units. Government corruption will be greatly minimized if not totally stopped....”


PRESENTATION OF THE CHILD JESUS AT THE TEMPLE: The fourth Joyful Mystery of the Holy Rosary, as prayed by devout Roman Catholic Christians worldwide, pertains to the presentation of the Child Jesus at the Temple, a story that is found in Luke 2:21 to 40 of the Bible.

At first glance, the account of how Jesus was presented at the Temple seemed to indicate concern merely for the completion of the then existing purification process for males as mandated by the law of Moses, but, when one looks closer, it becomes apparent that this story of the presentation is actually another Biblical confirmation about who Jesus really is and what He is destined to do.

Thus, we can see two individuals, one man (the righteous and devout Simeon) and one woman (the prophetess Anna, then 84 years of age), prophesying about Jesus as Someone who will cause the rise and fall of many in Israel, and as Someone who will redeem God’s people.

Simeon in particular confirmed that he had received a revelation that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. When Simeon saw Jesus, the Holy Spirit came over him, and he said he was ready to die in peace, since he already saw the Lord.

Anna on the other hand who was widowed after being married for only seven years, spent the rest of her life, until she was 84 years old, worshipping, fasting and praying at the temple. When she saw Jesus, she spoke about Him to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.


BATAS INTERNET TV, BATAS INTERNET RADIO: Please watch BATAS INTERNET TV and please listen to BATAS INTERNET RADIO through the website (click Batas ITV for tv, and for radio). We are on the air 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


“Embassies On The Air” to go on the air soon

LIVING POWER CORPORATION” FOOD SUPPLEMENTS: Among the many food supplements that have been flooding the market nowadays, I am convinced that those produced by a company called “Living Power Corporation”, particularly its herbal coffee called “Power Blend 9-in-1”, can really contribute to one’s wellness and good health.

While the law and regulations from the Department of Health say that food supplements must be accompanied by a warning which, more or less, says “no therapeutic value guaranteed”, the products of “Living Power Corporation” do not need such warnings because their therapeutic value can be immediately felt.

At least, that was what I experienced Friday, January 29, 2010, when I drank one cup of “Power Blend 9-in-1” coffee before interviewing Chito Villegas, a friend of mine who happens to be promoting the products of “Living Power Corporation”, at the program “Batas Media Reports” at BATAS INTERNET TV and BATAS INTERNET RADIO (which can be watched and listened to through

Before drinking the coffee, I felt sluggish because I woke up early for Chito’s interview although I stayed up late Thursday night. You know, people approaching their senior years must have enough sleep, or feel week the next day. When I partook of the coffee, I instantly felt I was wide awake, greatly attentive and alert, without the heart palpitations usually associated with coffee drinking. Wow!


“EMBASSIES ON THE AIR” TO GO ON AIR SOON: God willing, Chito, by the way, will be hosting a once-a-week, one-hour show at BATAS INTERNET TV and BATAS INTERNET RADIO (, which will feature foreign embassies, their ambassadors and consuls or other officers, which are stationed in the Philippines.

The program is now tentatively titled “Embassies On The Air”, which is a take-off from a similarly-titled TV program which Chito had hosted when he was a lot younger, and which dealt with what ambassadors and consular officials are doing to protect their citizens in our country, and with what their respective countries are like or can offer to Filipinos.

When I first heard of this, I immediately got excited, because I instantly saw the beneficial effects of having such a TV program more particularly in relation to the 20 million or so Filipinos who are either working or residing abroad who, in recent years, have been encountering abusive employers or harsh migrant conditions.

Since it has become very difficult getting effective assistance from our own Department of Foreign Affairs and our own ambassadors or consular officers in the foreign countries where Filipinos are staying, having a good relationship or, at the very least, a nodding familiarity with ambassadors and consular officers in the Philippines of these foreign countries can do wonders to help our afflicted countrymen.

So watch out for “Embassies On The Air” over there at BATAS INTERNET TV and BATAS INTERNET RADIO (, and, if you already have concerns about OFWs or Filipino migrants even at this point, you can now send them to us at 0917 984 24 68.


BATAS INTERNET TV/RADIO NOW ACCEPTING COMMERCIAL OR AD PLACEMENTS: To those who maybe interested, BATAS INTERNET TV and BATAS INTERNET RADIO ( are now accepting commercials or ad placements from interested parties, either on an outright cash or x-deal (exchange deal) basis. We assure you we can give the best accommodating rates, comparable to rates between close friends.

The beauty of BATAS INTENET TV and BATAS INTERNET RADIO is that it is beamed nationally (entire Philippines) and internationally (whole world), 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You may call us at 0917 984 24 68, 0922, 833 43 96, or 394 1191.


BIRTH OF JESUS IN THE MANGER: Easily one of the most fondly-remembered events in the Bible is now immortalized as the third Joyful Mystery in the Roman Catholic Christians’ Holy Rosary, and this is the birth of Jesus Christ.

Mainly because the event augurs good tidings and happy cheers as it ushers in gift-giving and camaraderie among believers worldwide, the birth of Jesus Christ has become one of the cornerstones of the Catholic Christians’ faith as it heralds the great love of God for man.

But completely different from this happy scenario is the account of the birth of Christ that is found in Luke 2:1 to 20, and in Matthew 1:18 to 25 of the Bible, both of which paint a very humble yet solemn and dignified occasion, befitting the Son of God.

This story starts with a census participated in by Joseph, the man who was pledged to marry Mary, the Virgin Mother of Christ. During the census, Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

The birth of Jesus was announced by an angel of the Lord to the shepherds who were watching their flocks at night. The angel said that the Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord, had been born. Just then, a great company of heavenly host appeared with the angel, saying “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests.”

The shepherds then left their flocks, looked for the baby wrapped in clothes in a manger and, when they found him, started telling everyone about him, glorifying and praising God.


BATAS INTERNET TV, BATAS INTERNET RADIO: Please watch BATAS INTERNET TV and please listen to BATAS INTERNET RADIO through the website (click Batas ITV for tv, and for radio). We are on the air 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Basilan congressional bet Sampang: business for progress

EARTHQUAKES AND FAMINES, SIGNS OF THE END TIMES: Signs of the end times, as Jesus foretold them in Matthew 24:4-8: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming `I am the Christ’, and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars...Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places...”

Are these signs happening now? And, are we doing anything to prepare for the end of times which Jesus said will definitely come?


JHULARAB H. SAMPANG, BASILAN CONGRESSIONAL BET: For Ustad Jhularab H. Sampang, a lawyer who is also a candidate for congressman for the lone district of Basilan, his various positions as of now will help him bring development and prosperity to a province which counts itself among the poorest of the poor in the Philippines.

When interviewed at the program “Batas Media Reports” Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at BATAS INTERNET TV and BATAS INTERNET RADIO (, Jhul (as he prefers to be called) told me that because he is right now the regional chairman of the Muslim Congress of the Philippines, and chairman on political and religious affairs of KRK International, he has the contacts that will matter in improving Basilan.

What he intends to do, Jhul said, is to invite businessmen, whether foreigners or Filipinos, to invest in Basilan, put up companies in the province and therefore generate employment and satisfactory livelihood for its citizens and residents.

He said he will also mobilize his contacts, brought to him by his present positions and by his being a partner in the Millora, Zagado and Sampang Law Office, to establish lasting peace in the area which will conduce to more economic activity and more livelihood programs for Basilan.


FREE COLLEGE FOR BASILAN YOUTH: Jhul subscribes to the idea earlier broached by his cousin, Count Habib Adz Nikabulin of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo/Sabah, in the same interview at BATAS INTERNET TV and BATAS INTERNET RADIO ( on Wednesday, that free college education must be given to the youth of Basilan.

Jhul is also preacher of the Muslim faith (his title, “ustad”, means a learned teacher of the Koran), and so he knows the importance of educating the young, especially the Muslim youth, to open their minds and hearts to more opportunities and differing perspectives and points of view.

He also believes, as Bangon Pilipinas Party senatorial candidate Count Habib does, that in this election, there is a need to elect morally-upright and righteous leaders, especially those who fear and love God in their hearts, regardless of their faith or religious groups where they belong.

This is the reason why, despite his being a preacher, Jhul is running for a political office as congressman of Basilan, offering an agenda of hope for greater peace and development for a people and a province that had long been in the clutches of debilitating poverty as a result of neglect and continuing violence.


SENATORIABLES FROM “ANG KAPATIRAN PARTY” GUESTS AT BATAS INTERNET TV-RADIO: On February 1 and 2, 2010, “Ang Kapatiran Party” senatorial candidates Manny Valdehueza and Reggie Tamayo will be our special guests in our program “Batas Media Reports” at BATAS INTERNET TV and BATAS INTERNET RADIO (

Their appearance was arranged by their coordinator by Lareica Rica Manalang. If you want to see them and ask them questions, you can log on to, and, when you are already there, you click either the words “Batas ITV” if you want to watch us, or “” if you simply want to hear us or if your PCs or laptops do not have video capability.

You can call us during the show through the following: 0922 833 4396, 02 496 8082, or if you are abroad and you wish to call without paying anything, through Skype (add batasradio first as your Skype contact and after we accept you, you can already call us for free wherever you maybe in the whole world).


VISIT OF MARY TO ELIZABETH CONFIRMS BLESSINGS TO MARY: “Visitation” is what Roman Catholic Christians call the second mystery in the Mysteries of Joy (or Joyful Mysteries) of the Holy Rosary, and it is an account of Mary, the Virgin Mother of Jesus, visiting her ageing but pregnant cousin Elizabeth, wife of Zechariah, just after Mary had an encounter with Gabriel, the Angel of God.

The account of the “Visitation” is narrated in Luke 1:39 to 45 of the Bible, and there we will see that upon Mary’s arrival at the house of Elizabeth and Zechariah, the baby which was in the womb of Elizabeth leaped inside her, with the Holy Spirit coming down upon mother and baby.

In a loud voice, Elizabeth exclaimed to Mary: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear”, confirming Mary’s status as someone blessed by God, as well as the holy status of her child.

Significantly, these words of Elizabeth are now enshrined in the Holy Rosary where the faithful intone: “Hail Mary, full of grace, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.”

What is more, the greeting in that prayer, “hail Mary, full of grace”, is the very same greeting that Mary got from Gabriel, the Angel of God, when it was announced to her that she will be with a child who will be called Jesus (Luke 1:28).

Elizabeth then confirmed the blessings that would come to anyone who believes in God, when she said to Mary: “Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished…”


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sulu nobility running for senator under Bro. Eddie

COUNT NIKABULIN OF THE SULU SULTANATE, RUNNING FOR SENATOR: Count Habib Adz Nikabulin of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo (or Sabah, at present) is a candidate for senator under the Bangon Pilipinas Party of Bro. Eddie Villanueva who maybe the least known among our senatoriables for the May 2010 elections, but he thinks he has “a very simple---but very effective---solution” to the raging Mindanao conflict.

In an interview Wednesday, January 27, 2010, at the program “Batas Media Reports” over BATAS INTERNET TV and BATAS INTERNET RADIO (, Nikabulin told me that all that has to be done, to permanently stop the war in Mindanao, is for the national government in Manila to stop its military spending---and “adventures”, if I may add---in the region.

Instead, Nikabulin said, the money being used by the government to finance its military campaign in Southern Philippines should be channelled to putting up companies that will create employment among Mindanao natives and residents, and even schools where their children can study and obtain collegiate degrees.

“If we give jobs to Mindanao natives and residents, and if we empower their children to finish college courses that will ultimately give them good-paying jobs, the peace and order situation in the South will improve and stabilize, and all thoughts of war and violence will be forgotten,” Nikabulin added.


“TIME TO CHOOSE RIGHTEOUS AND MORAL LEADERS”: A certified Muslim, Nikabulin told me that he agreed to run for senator under the leadership of a Christian leader like Bro. Eddie Villanueva and the Bangon Pilipinas Party because he believes that the time has come to choose righteous and morally-upright leaders for our nation.

“This is what I saw in Brother Eddie, and in his party,” Nikabulin explained, saying that it appeared to him, despite their differences in matters of faith, that Villanueva will exhibit the required morality and integrity and righteousness in leading the country and in running the government.

He said Villanueva is also very much aware of what needs to be done in Mindanao, to enable it to claim, once and for all, the fulfilment of its status as a “promised land” that would propel the economic development of the whole country.

“We have to make Mindanao succeed, so that when its problems shall have been solved and economic prosperity will be attained by it, the problems of the whole country shall likewise be resolved and a better life for all Filipinos shall be realized,” Nikabulin explained.


CLAIM OF SULU SULTANATE OVER SABAH AND SPRATLYS WILL BE PURSUED”: The count (who came to the interview with his lovely wife) added that one of his primary objectives would be pursuing the claim of the Sultanate over the Malaysian island of North Borneo or Sabah, as well as over the Spratlys Islands.

(His calling card says Nikabuli is the Home Minister and Minister for Sharif’s Affairs of the Sultanate of Sulu and carries a reference as “His Excellency Count Sharif Gen. Habib Adz Ganih Nikabulin”).

He said that the present Sultan of Sulu has expressed his conformity to pursuing this claim, and has in fact agreed to support his candidacy for senator under Bro. Eddie Villanueva. He plans to pursue this claim of the Sultanate of Sulu in the floors of Senate, principally, and through some other legal means, secondarily.

The records of the ownership of the Sultanate over these disputed islands remain intact, Nikabulin added, and he said these will be used to pursue this claim, which, when successfully resolved in favor of the Sultanate, can redound to the benefit of the entire country.

Those wishing to communicate with Nikabulin can call him through his cell number 0927 675 3545, or international phone number 63927 303 2805. He can be reached through email at the address If anyone wants to send him letters, his official post office address is PO Box 150, Jolo, Sulu, Philippines.


BIRTH OF JESUS ANNOUNCED BY THE ANGEL GABRIEL: The Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary represent an account of how Jesus Christ started His life here on earth.

The first joyful mystery, the annunciation, is found in Luke 1:26 to 38, where the Angel Gabriel, “who stands in the presence of God”, came to Mary, a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David.

Gabriel told Mary, who was greatly troubled by the angel’s statement that she was highly favored in the eyes of God and that “the Lord is with you”, that she will be with child and give birth to a son, whose name will be Jesus and will actually be called the Son of the Most High and will be given the throne of King David.

Mary was incredulous, and actually asked the angel how could she give birth when she had not known a man. The angel told her that the Holy Spirit will come upon her and the power of the Most High will overshadow her “so the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.”

The angel then assured Mary: “For nothing is impossible with God.” In reply, Mary uttered “I am the Lord’s servant, may it be to me as you have said.”


BATAS INTERNET TV, BATAS INTERNET RADIO: Please watch BATAS INTERNET TV and please listen to BATAS INTERNET RADIO through the website (click Batas ITV for tv, and for radio). We are on the air 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Rosales, spiritual leaders, must name “righteous” 2010 candidates

IT WAS A SHAMEFUL DAY FOR THE LEGISLATURE LAST TUESDAY: With the way our senators and congressmen “performed” Tuesday, January 25, 2010, we cannot really blame our people if they persist in the thought that the Philippines would really be better off without the Senate and the House of Representatives.

While senators became the laughing stock of Filipinos as, like children fighting over spilled ice cream they battled, belittled and shamed one another on the C-5-Sen. Manny Villar issue, congressmen were nowhere to be found at the Batasang Pambansa, chosing to ignore their last session day.

And yet, all of them got paid their daily wage, from people’s taxes, just the same. Indeed, it was a shameful day for the legislative branch last Tuesday.


ROSALES AND SPIRITUAL LEADERS MUST NAME “RIGHTEOUS” CANDIDATES: I hope Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales and the rest of the Roman Catholic clergy all throughout the country will find the will to really go out of their pulpits and their churches and wage a campaign that would teach Catholic Filipinos who among the May 2010 candidates are really God-fearing and God-loving.

Indeed, that is the primordial challenge for the Philippines in the May 2010 elections---for the people to elect only those who have the fear and love of God in their hearts. But then, it is quite sad that many of those who are trying to pursue this line have actually fallen short of naming who are God-fearing and who are God-loving among the present aspirants for a political office.

If Rosales can only lead Catholic priests and leaders across the archipelago in educating the faithful on who these candidates are, then we can really say that the Holy Spirit will really intervene in the May 2010 elections, so that only the righteous before God and before men will be given the opportunity to serve.

I will repeat it here: if the next batch of government leaders will be God-fearing and God-loving, there will be no plunderers, no grafters, no corrupt and abusive officials. If this happens, this country will start moving forward, and the lives of Filipinos will definitely get better.


CHURCH LEADERS MUST INTERVENE IN THE POLITICAL PROCESS: Many will say that this kind of a suggestion---for Rosales and other spiritual leaders to name names identifying who are God-fearing and who are God-loving---will only involve the Catholic hierarchy in the country in political wrangling and in-fighting, which maybe true.

But if this declaration of support is viewed from the point of view of the Bible, however, it is clear that endorsing those who are God-fearing and God-loving, while being considered involvement in politics, can really be categorized as obedience to the Word of God which requires the selection of upright, moral, and righteous leaders who will use the Word in their governance.

At this point of our collective lives as a Christian nation where poverty continues to hold in its grip millions and millions of believers and who are in the faith, living debased and morally-bankrupt lives simply because of poverty, there is a need for spiritual leaders to really intervene and participate in the electoral process to make sure that the proper political leaders are chosen and installed, and believers taken out of their desperate lives.

It would really be for the benefit of Christians and others in the faith if the righteous and moral leaders are elected, because these are the leaders that will not steal, will not plunder, will not commit graft and corruption, and will therefore rule with uprightness and righteousness.


LIFE OF JESUS RECOUNTED IN THE MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY: A keen study of the mysteries of the Holy Rosary will show that each of the mystery recited in praying it constitutes one important aspect of the life of Jesus.

In the Joyful Mysteries, for instance, what is recounted are the following events in the life of Christ: Annunciation, Visitation of Elizabeth by Mary, Birth of Christ, Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple, and Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple.

In the Mysteries of Light, we find the following: Baptism of Jesus, Wedding at Cana, Proclamation of the Kingdom of God, Transfiguration and Institution of the Holy Eucharist through the Last Supper.

The Sorrowful Mysteries narrate these events in the life of Jesus: Agony in the Garden, Scourging at the Pillar, Crowning of Jesus with Thorns, Carrying of the Cross, and Crucifixion and Death of Christ.

Finally, the Glorious Mysteries make an account of the Resurrection, the Ascention, Descent of the Holy Spirit, Assumption of Mary, and the Coronation of Mary as Queeon of Heaven and Earth.

Anyone who prays the Holy Rosary, therefore, gets to remember Jesus Christ and is reminded all over again of His status as our God and Savior.


BATAS INTERNET TV, BATAS INTERNET RADIO: Please watch BATAS INTERNET TV and please listen to BATAS INTERNET RADIO through the website (click Batas ITV for tv, and for radio). We are on the air 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Yasay, vice presidential candidate, bats for God-fearing men

JUN YASAY, VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE, BATS FOR GOD-FEARING AND GOD-LOVING CANDIDATES: Only God-fearing and God-loving men who truthfully and sincerely obey His commands and decrees can help the Philippines and its people solve many, if not all, its debilitating problems, and these are the men that must be elected in the May 2010 elections, vice presidential candidate Perfecto “Jun” Yasay Jr. said Monday, January 25, 2010.

In an interview with me at BATAS INTERNET TV and BATAS INTERNET RADIO at the Internet website, Yasay said problems about corruption, abuse and self-interest in government are generated by a lack of fear and love of God among those who are elected, because those who do not fear and love God can readily be corrupted, are prone to abuse, and are concerned only about their self-interest.

Responding to questions from Pastor Richard Tampus of Davao City, Pastor Jojo Julian of Tuguegarao City and Pastor Memit Genoves of San Miguel, Surigao del Sur, Yasay, who is himself a son of a pastor and a public school teacher, said Filipinos must now insist on choosing the candidates who are known to have the fear and love of God, because this, according to him, is the only way by which the Philippines and the people can really move forward.

Yasay, who is running under Bro. Eddie Villanueva’s Bangon Pilipinas Party, said only the men of God will not cheat, will not steal, and will not use their positions to further their self-interests, especially because they will be very much aware that God will impose severe punishment upon them if they turn their backs on Him.


VILLANUEVA-YASAY ADMINISTRATION TO DOUBLE BUDGET FOR EDUCATION AND SALARIES OF TEACHERS: Yasay also said that if, by the grace of God, he and Bro. Eddie will be installed as the country’s next vice president and president, respectively, by June 30, 2010, they will immediately double the annual budget of the Department of Education and of the Commission on Higher Education, specifically to provide free college education to poor but intelligent and deserving students.

A former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission who testified in the impeachment trial of former President Joseph Estrada, Yasay explained that the country must learn to fully invest in the education of young Filipinos because they are the future of the country.

To complement this doubling of education budget under a Villanueva-Yasay administration, Yasay said they will also immediately implement a similar doubling of the salaries of all public school teachers nationwide, irrespective of their positions and ranks.

This should restore to them the dignity with which the teaching profession was greatly associated in the past as they would no longer engage in selling to their students during class hours, and would make them work harder to instil a good education among Filipino students, Yasay explained.


FILIPINOS NEED TO COOPERATE WITH GODLY LEADERS: Here are Yasay’s other concerns, if and when he wins as vice president in the May 2010 elections: One: Filipinos must be made to cooperate in the over-all efforts to clean-up the government of misfits, corrupt, and abusive officials and employees.

Two: Foreign capital will be allowed to liberally come in, so as to provide competition to the rich Filipino businessmen whose monopolies in certain businesses maybe challenged to make prices and quality of products more responsive to the needs of our countrymen.

Three: This should result in more employment opportunities in the country which will be at par with current jobs and work that are only available abroad at this point, to entice overseas Filipino workers to come home and make their families whole once again.,

Four: Spirituality among Filipinos will be greatly encouraged, and one initial step would be to look into how health, medical, educational, housing and other financial or material benefits could be extended to pastors, priests and other workers who are pushing the Word of God, in line with current governmental programs.


PRAYING OF THE ROSARY IS BIBLE BASED: Roman Catholic Christians practice the praying of the Holy Rosary, which is something that is balked at by others who believe in Christianity on the argument that praying the Rosary is paganistic in origin.

I did some reading on the matter, and indeed, there is nothing in the Holy Bible that says Christians should pray the Rosary, as there is even no mention of the Rosary in any pages of that Book.

But when one looks at the mysteries of the Rosary, one begins to understand that whoever conceived and thought of this prayer, dedicated to Mary, the Virgin Mother of Christ, actually was following the examples of many leaders of the Christian faith, enshrined in many pages of the Bible, where they resort to repeating the history of the Israelites, from their exodus to their arrival at the Promised Land, as a means to strengthen their faith.

Just look at the story of Gideon, in Judges 6 and 7 of the Bible, and you will see what I mean. Before Gideon finally relented to be used as God’s chosen one to deliver his people from the Midianites who were causing them sufferings, he had to recount Israel’s story all over again.

This is what is happening when a Roman Catholic prays the Rosary: he is actually repeating a tried and tested tradition of Christian leaders, for he is reminded of the full and entire story of Christ, from the announcement of his birth by the Angel Gabriel to his Ascention to Heaven, taken directly from the Bible itself.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Daily media outlets of Atty. Batas Mauricio,,,,,

X-Files, Sapol, Periodico Dabaw, Sidlak, Daily Zamboanga Times, Gold Star Daily

Philippine Gazette, Tuldok Hotline

Edge Davao, Golden Chronicle, Mindanao Bulletin, Rapido News/Periodico Ini,
Mindanao Wall Street Journal

Western Visayas Newsbreak, Samar Weekly Express, Romblon Text

Ilocos Times, The Baguio Junction, People's Digest, Northern Forum Weekly, City
Star Weekly, Vizcaya Vanguard, Quirino Quest, Central Luzon Business Week,
Mabuhay, The Herald Group of Southern Luzon, The Fortress, Touchlife

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Yahoo Groups: batasforum, ang bagong pinoy, electronicbarangay,
Filipinos-Worldwide , KAPAMPANGAN COMMUNITY WORLDWIDE, LeaderPresidents3810,
OFW-News, philjury, pinoybiznet, pinoydiaspora, RY0607, UPRhoSig, RCI Ilustres

Enrile can not become “acting president”, PGMA will!

ENRILE CAN NOT BECOME “ACTING PRESIDENT”: “Much ado about nothing” is how I will want to describe the Inquirer January 24, 2010 headline “Enrile urged to stop down from top Senate post”.

The truth is that, if there is really going to be a failure of elections in May 2010 where Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile will supposedly be catapulted as “acting president”, it is going to be President Arroyo who will be president, and no other.

In other words, if there is going to be a failure of elections in May, President Arroyo will continue in her job as a “hold-over” president. Enrile cannot become “acting president”.

I already wrote about this matter in previous columns, and I need not belabour my points on the matter again. But let me reiterate the scenario again: if there will be a failure of elections in May 2010, no new president, no new vice president, no new senators or new congressmen will be elected and will assume office by noon of June 30, 2010.

Since there will be no new president or vice president if there will be a failure of elections by that time, the rule on presidential succession is supposed to take place, so that, under that rule, either the new Senate president, or the new Speaker of the House of Representatives shall become the “acting president”.


PGMA WILL BECOME ACTING PRESIDENT IF...: But then, if there is going to be a failure of elections in May 2010, there will be no new Senators or new Congressmen who will constitute a quorum, to enable them to elect a new Senate president or a new Speaker.

There being no new Senate president, and no new Speaker, everybody will be required to continue with the positions being held by them prior to the elections, and this holds true even for the incumbent President and Vice President.

We must remember, in this regard, that the 1987 Constitution itself is very clear: the “old” President and Vice President (and in fact, all the other officials of the land, including our senators and congressmen) are required to continue discharging their duties and responsibilities until their supposed successors shall have qualified and entered into their respective offices.

When there are no successors that shall have qualified and entered into their duties and responsibilities, the “old” holders of the positions are required by law to continue serving, in a hold-over capacity. That is what is going to happen in June 30, 2010---Gloria will remain president---if there is a failure of elections.


CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH OF JESUS: The final mystery in the “Sorrowful Mysteries” of the Holy Rosary of Roman Catholic Christians is the “Crucifixion and Death of Jesus.” As this statement suggests, it is an account of how Jesus died through crucifixion.

               In Matthew, it can be found in its Chapter 27, verses 33 to 61. In Mark, it is written in its Chapter 15, verses 22 to 47, while in Luke, this story is told in its Chapter 23, verses 32 to 56. In John, it is narrated in its Chapter 19, verses 18 to 42.
               Despite its obvious defeatist stance because it portrays the death of Jesus, the “Crucifixion and Death of Jesus” actually represents a glorious victory for the Son of God and for all those who believe in Him. 
               For this “death” is no death all. It is a victorious fulfillment of what Jesus had been saying all along, that He was going to die in the hands of sinners, so that the Scriptures will be fulfilled.
               Then, this death was a necessary process, as it were, so that sins could be forgiven, and its actual happening, in the full view of witnesses, confirms God’s forgiveness of everyone who believes in Jesus and for those who repent and turn from their wicked ways.
               The death of Jesus, therefore, signals a “defeat”, yes, but it is a defeat of sin and wickedness, and the triumph of God’s great love for man.

No legal bar vs. PGMA appointing next SC Chief

FR. BERNAS’ COMMENTS “MISLEADING”: With due respect to Fr. Joaquin Bernas, it is highly misleading to say that the Supreme Court’s integrity and credibility will be undermined if its members are made to decide whether or not President Arroyo’s appointment of the next chief justice, to replace the retiring Reynato S. Puno, just a few days before her terms ends, is legal or Constitutional.

For one, it is the duty and responsibility, both under the Constitution and the laws, as well as under established jurisprudence which the court itself has already issued previously, to decide questions of law properly presented for its resolution. How can doing its duty then undermine the integrity and credibility of the Supreme Court?

For another, the issue of whether or not a President or Chief Executive whose term is ending can still appoint the next chief justice is a case of first impression, a novel issue as it were, which must be resolved by the Court by itself. Doing its duty to resolve this novel issue will in fact strengthen the high court’s role as the sole arbiter of all legal disputes all the more.

Finally, there is really no legal prohibition against President Arroyo appointing the next chief justice after Puno retires on May 17, 2010, even if that is just about forty four days from her own “retirement”, considering the interplay of Section 4 and Section 9, Article VIII of the Constitution.


NO LEGAL PROHIBITION VS. PGMA APPOINTING THE NEXT SC CJ: Why am I saying that there is no legal prohibition against President Arroyo’s appointing the next chief justice, on the basis of Sections 4 and 9? Well, one merely has to read the two provisions and you will see what I mean.

First, Section 4 requires that any vacancy in the Supreme Court shall be filled within ninety days from the occurrence thereof. We must understand that this is a mandatory provision, requiring the appointment under any and all circumstances, because it uses the word “shall”.

Second, while Section 9 says that the members of the Supreme Court shall be appointed by the President from a list of at least three nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council for every vacancy, it is quite clear that the requirement of a JBC list applies only to the “members”---not the chief justice---of the high tribunal.

If it was intention of the framers of the 1987 Constitution to limit, as it were, the power of the President to appoint the chief justice of the Supreme Court only to the nominees contained in the list from the JBC, Section 9 should have so clearly, by including there not only the “members” of the Court but even its “chief”.

That Section 9 limited only to the “members” of the Supreme Court the requirement of a JBC list clearly indicates the intent of the Constitution’s framers---only the members, not the chief, must be appointed from a list submitted by the JBC.


CARRYING OF THE CROSS: All of Christendom are aware that before Jesus was crucified, His tormentors greatly increased His suffering by compelling Him to carry the cross with which He will be crucified.

This part of Jesus’ life is called “Carrying of the Cross” and it is now the fourth mystery in the “Sorrowful Mysteries” of the Holy Rosary of Roman Catholic Christians. An account of it could be found in all the Gospels: Matthew 27:31-35, Mark 15:20-22, Luke 23:28-31 and John19:17.

Again, the rendering of the event by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John is relatively short and direct to the point.

What one sees is merely the act of the soldiers leading Jesus away from Pilate, ordering Him to carry the cross, and, along the way, compelling Simon from Cyrene to carry the cross, too.

In Luke, however, one notices the fact that while Jesus was carrying the cross, there were “a large number of people” following Him, including women who mourned and wailed for Him.

When Jesus saw the mourners, He told them not to mourn for Him but that they should mourn for themselves instead, for a time was coming to them when they will wish that they were not born at all, in view of the grievousness of their sin against Him.


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