Saturday, January 9, 2010

Not what a presidentiable did for anyone, but for God, that matters!

WHAT HAS OUR PRESIDENTIABLES DONE TO SERVE GOD? Alright, so Sen. Manuel Villar and Sen. Richard Gordon wanted to know what Sen. Benigno Aquino III had done in the past to show that he has the necessary “it” to become the country’s president in 2010, but that is not the really important issue, for when one uses the past as a gauge, many of our presidentiables now will certainly fail the mark.

The more important issue, if you ask me, is what Villar, Gordon, Aquino, former Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr., former President Joseph Estrada and the other presidential candidates had done, past and present, to serve God.


KUSOG MINDANAO PUSHES BELLO’S CANDIDACY FOR SENATOR: Kusog Mindanao, a multi-sectoral coalition created in 1994 which seeks to promote peace and development of the region, should take the lead in promoting the candidacy of former Justice Secretary Silvestre Bello III for the Senate in the May 2010 elections, if it is really convinced Bello will work for Mindanao once he is elected as senator.

I myself am supporting Bello’s aspirations to become a senator of the Republic. Not only is he academically-qualified. Bello, by now, is a tried and tested government official, having served in the Cabinet for a long time, and is only one of the few who is trusted by the right and the left, and who could therefore be depended upon to promote unity and understanding among our people.


IF THE PRESIDENTIABLES FAILED TO MAKE GOD HAPPY, CAN THEY MAKE US HAPPY? Can anyone of the May 2010 presidential candidates really say they have made God happy, even for just one moment, now and yesterday, because they were able to make one sinner repent and go back to God?

If the country’s presidentiables failed, or did not do anything, to make God happy, in one way or another, notwithstanding the fact that it was God who gave them life and the material riches that enabled them to run in May 2010, can they be expected to do something that will make Filipinos happy?


PLAZO FOR SENATOR? Lawyer Grace Rinoza Plazo is one other senatorial candidate of the “Ang Kapatiran Party” which deserves the support of the Filipino people. Already comfortable in life as a lawyer, she did not really have to join politics anymore just to prove a point, except that she is also obsessed with a desire to really help the masses with responsive legislation.

Grace is going to be a guest in my Internet radio-TV program “Batas Media Reports” at BATAS INTERNET TV and BATAS INTERNET RADIO (which could be accessed at the Internet website on Tuesday, at 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., where we will discuss her legislative agenda. The interview will be replayed also on Tuesday at 8 to 9 pm. Join us by logging on to our website,


CHANGE WITHOUT GOD IS USELESS: Even now, we have not heard from any of our presidential candidates if they have any platform of spirituality at all. In fact, to a man, they have been talking about change, but then there is no one among them who is saying that God has a role in the change they want to introduce.

And this is gravely dangerous, for, with due respect to the compassion, intelligence, money and mass appeal that our candidates are supposed to have, nothing and no one will ever really help the Filipino people in their quest for a better life at this point except God.


FILIPINOS MUST PRAY, FAST AND PROSTRATE THEMSELVES BEFORE GOD: If no one among our presidentiables in the May 2010 elections is even talking about the role of God in their administration, we must now, as a people, really pray hard, undergo fasting, and prostrate ourselves before God to seek His forgiveness and mercy, for destruction coming from God Himself is already at our doorsteps, just waiting to strike.

The truth is that, if the electorates will vote for someone who does not have God in his heart once more, then we will see more plunder, more graft and corruption, and more abuses in government, which will cause the certain downfall of this country and the destruction of our people.


BIRTH OF JESUS ANNOUNCED BY THE ANGEL GABRIEL: The Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary represent an account of how Jesus Christ started His life here on earth.

The first joyful mystery, the annunciation, is found in Luke 1:26 to 38, where the Angel Gabriel, “who stands in the presence of God”, came to Mary, a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David.

Gabriel told Mary, who was greatly troubled by the angel’s statement that she was highly favored in the eyes of God and that “the Lord is with you”, that she will be with child and give birth to a son, whose name will be Jesus and will actually be called the Son of the Most High and will be given the throne of King David.

Mary was incredulous, and actually asked the angel how could she give birth when she had not known a man. The angel told her that the Holy Spirit will come upon her and the power of the Most High will overshadow her “so the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.”

The angel then assured Mary: “For nothing is impossible with God.” In reply, Mary uttered “I am the Lord’s servant, may it be to me as you have said.”


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