Saturday, November 28, 2009

X'mas tip: avoid eating processed meat to avoid cancer

X’MAS TIP: “AVOID EATING ALL PROCESSED MEATS TO AVOID CANCER”: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of ( wrote an article in 2007 which remains very relevant this year, 2009, most especially because we are now once again in the midst of wanton celebrations for Christmas 2009 and New Year 2010.

As the Holy Bible is won’t to say, those who have ears, listen, and those who have eyes, see!
Here is Mike Adams’ disturbing piece about the relationship of cancer with processed meats (like ham, bacon, sausages, hotdogs and the like), which now happen to be Filipinos’ most favorite Christmas and New Year food:

“World cancer experts have finally declared what NaturalNews readers learned nearly four years ago: That processed meats cause cancer, and anyone seeking to avoid cancer should avoid eating all processed meats for life.

“Hundreds of cancer researchers took part in a five-year project spanning more than 7,000 clinical studies and designed to document the links between diet and cancer.


PEOPLE SHOULD STOP BUYING AND EATING PROCESSED MEAT: “Their conclusion (was) published in the World Cancer Research Fund's report, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective (2007).

“(It) has rocked the health world with a declaration that all people should immediately stop buying and eating processed meat products and that all processed meat should be avoided for life!

“Processed meats, the report explains, are simply too dangerous for human consumption. And why? Because they contain chemical additives that are known to greatly increase the risk of various cancers, including colorectal cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia, brain tumors, pancreatic cancer and many more.

“The report, published at this website also recommends that consumers: •Avoid all sugary soft drinks for life. • Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. • Get lean and fit, without becoming underweight.• Limit consumption of ALL meats (even fresh meat). • Breastfeed all infants for their first six months, avoiding infant formula.


PROCESSED MEAT CONTAIN HEALTH HAZARDS FROM CHEMICALS MIXED WITH THEM: “Sadly, the WCRF still does not recommend that consumers use nutritional supplements to help protect themselves from cancer, indicating that the group still has a lot to learn about the role of medicinal mushrooms, sea vegetables, microalgae, Chinese herbs, rainforest herbs and superfood extracts in preventing and reversing cancer.

“But at least the group's recommendation that consumers now avoid all processed meat products is a huge step in the right direction.

“It is the first time that any internationally-recognized cancer organization has found the courage to make a partial proclamation about the health hazards of the chemicals found in processed meat products.

“It's almost as big a deal as when the American Medical Association, after years of taking millions of dollars from tobacco companies, finally admitted that smoking causes lung cancer and heart disease....”


LIFE OF JESUS RECOUNTED IN THE MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY: A keen study of the mysteries of the Holy Rosary will show that each of the mystery recited in praying it constitutes one important aspect of the life of Jesus.

In the Joyful Mysteries, for instance, what is recounted are the following events in the life of Christ: Annunciation, Visitation of Elizabeth by Mary, Birth of Christ, Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple, and Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple.

In the Mysteries of Light, we find the following: Baptism of Jesus, Wedding at Cana, Proclamation of the Kingdom of God, Transfiguration and Institution of the Holy Eucharist through the Last Supper.

The Sorrowful Mysteries narrate these events in the life of Jesus: Agony in the Garden, Scourging at the Pillar, Crowning of Jesus with Thorns, Carrying of the Cross, and Crucifixion and Death of Christ.

Finally, the Glorious Mysteries make an account of the Resurrection, the Ascention, Descent of the Holy Spirit, Assumption of Mary, and the Coronation of Mary as Queeon of Heaven and Earth.

Anyone who prays the Holy Rosary, therefore, gets to remember Jesus Christ and is reminded all over again of His status as our God and Savior.


BATAS INTERNET RADIO: Please listen to BATAS INTERNET RADIO through four websites:,,, and We go on the air 20 hours a day, from 4 am to 12 midnight, Mondays to Fridays.

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